Bausch + Ströbel ESA1001 self-adhesive labeller for ampoules, vials, etc. Modernised and Upgraded 2019

Bausch + Ströbel ESA1001 self-adhesive labeller for ampoules, vials, etc., suitable for containers from 6mm to 36mm diameter, and from 20mm up to 140mm high. Includes format parts for Ø 9,75 x 48 mm high, Output depending on size of container and label up to 15,000 per hour.

In 2019 the following upgrades were completed:

- New Siemens S7-1500 PLC controller
- Centralised touch-screen HMI for control of all parameters
- Servo-drive for the label feed
- New integrated DC drives and absolute encoder
- upgraded safety circuit and guarding to the latest standards
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