Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, ChemicalsCartoning Machines
Displaying entries 1-5 of 5.
Cariba AV30/132 vertical cartoner
Cariba AV30/132 vertical cartoner, intermittent motion, reverse tuck closure, machine on wheels, carton size range: min. 55 x 30 x 95 mm (AxBxC), max....
Cariba C300 horizontal cartoner with automatic bottle infeed
Cariba C300 horizontal cartoner with automatic bottle infeed, continuous motion, reverse tuck closure, GUK pre-folded leaflet inserter, carton size range:...
Harro Höfliger MKT 120 end load cartoner
Harro Höfliger MKT 120 horizontal end load cartoner, intermittent motion, bucket infeed, with GUK FA21/4 Cartonac 91 leaflet feeder, glue closure with...
Romaco-Siebler CV 1/060 vertical cartoner with Merz infeed/counter (5 lanes) for the packing of sticks
Romaco-Siebler CV 1/060 vertical cartoner, intermittent motion with Merz infeed/counter (5 lanes) for the packing of sticks, tuck and glue closure of ...
Uhlmann C2504 continuous motion cartoner
Uhlmann C2504 continuous motion cartoner, carton size range min. 30x15x65 mm (AxBxH), max. 80x90x155 mm (AxBxH) Blister/tray size range min. 30x3.5x60...
Displaying entries 1-5 of 5.